Supervisor's Hints and Tips
- It is essential that you perform a daily backup as circumstances beyond the control of OfficeTalk can
corrupt data. Without backup data it may be impossible to restore your OfficeTalk database.
- The Workgroup backup in OfficeTalk will backup all your data into one file. To enable a Workgroup backup, go to
the Supervisor Mode and go to the Options\Workgroup Data Backup pull down menu.
- OfficeTalk lets users specify who will perform the backup. Users can decide whether the backup will be automatic or
whether they wish to be prompted before each backup is made. The length of the backup will depend on the amount of
data held in OfficeTalk.
- Test your backups regularly. If you have used OfficeTalk's Workgroup Data backup, install a new copy of OfficeTalk
on a local machine and import the CMP file created by the backup.
- Once you are satisfied that the data is correct, delete the copy of OfficeTalk and use NETSETUP.EXE in your
server OfficeTalk directory to reconnect to the main OfficeTalk database.
- Ensure that all your users are running their personal backups.
- Always create two supervisors. Some of our users have suffered the ultimate indignity of being locked out of the system
because their network supervisor forgot their password.
- If any of your users who have been working remote, report problems when attempting to work on-line, contact our
Technical Support department immediately. Do not allow the user to attempt another reconnection.
- If you or your users receive an I\O Error message please contact us immediately.
- Mail or notify your users on a regular basis asking them to shred the contents of the Diary Mode and Mail Mode bins.
This will release system resources back to your users.
- In Supervisor Mode regularly check for any groups, projects, planners and resources that have been created by users
as tests and then never used again. These may have `test' in their title, a string of letters or numbers i.e. `aaaaaaaaaaaaa'
or a random letters and numbers i.e. `3gr8hdjdsss'.
Importing Information
- If you or any of your users import information into Contact mode always create a contact group to import the
information into. Before you start the import select the contact group and ensure that the
selected. This will allow you to delete the import quickly if a mistake was made when importing the data.
- If data was imported incorrectly, you can delete either a contact group or the whole database by using the Edit\Delete
pull down menu in Contact Mode. Users are prompted for their password to ensure the database is not accidentally
Windows 95 and Mail
Remote Working
- Sareen Software run training courses which can be tailored to your requirements. These courses are held either at your
premises or at Bydell House, depending on your requirements. Please call our Customer Service Team on 0181 423
9434 or fax us 00 (44) 181 423 9438 or email
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